Sunday, October 3, 2010

expatiations of an former expatriate

My itinerant lifestyle has slowed down a bit, with a lease and significant academic commitments in Hyde Park.  But, oh, dear readers, do not despair!  For I have saved for you some photos and journal entries from previous travels, and will be rolling them out over the next few weeks.  So stay tuned for some memories of Turkey, Tanzania and Ukraine, with a post here and there about my days in Chicago.


Anonymous said...

Your readers want to hear a story (or two!) about the hat! Let the hat speak for itself... let us know what you know about it, and what it knows about you!

Maggie Madagame said...

Ah, the hat. It only accents the beautiful, perfectly shaped noggin it sits on when coming off the plane arriving home. MMMMmmmm, sweet.