Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bahar geldi!

This weekend the weather in Simferopol was beautiful and I had a great time walking around and hanging out with some new friends.

On Saturday morning I set out to the outdoor book market.  On the way there I passed these adorable little strays waiting outside of a shop.

It didn't take me too long to figure out what they were waiting for.  Looks like these fellas have a long time friend in the neighbourhood.

Must post this picture as well so you can see the honey stand.

And she's a cat person too.

At the market, I picked up some great finds, including old travel guides of Simferopol, Karaim cookbooks, a great present for Heidi that is also a secret, a collection of short stories by Babel since Melissa is always raving about him, and a few atlases.

Don't be fooled by everyone in coats and hats - the weather was beautiful... you can see from this woman hanging out in her window.


Unknown said...

That looks like such a nice day! -^ ^- That must have been so relaxing to go to the outdoor book market. The progression of events felt like a happy-go-lucky children's book. Especially when the lady gave the dogs food and was also a cat person. Ahaha.

Elizabeth said...

Haha, thanks, yes it was sort of happy-go-lucky children-y :)

melissayael said...

YES :D Which collection of Babel's did you pick up? I can't wait to hear what you think (whenever you have time)!

maggie said...

ama bahar gelmedi... kar yagıyor
turkiyede bahar yavas geliyor! :o(

ps my turkish sux0rs

pps - those dogs are so freaking cute!! they're so little!!