Tuesday, May 25, 2010

good skies for stone statues

I was in Kyiv this weekend with my grandparents, and for the most part we were quite lucky - warm weather, not to hot, and sunny, blue skies.  Before this weekend, I hadn't really been struck with the desire to photograph the myriad clunky statues that grace the city, but with the skies so blue I ended up snapping a few.

Statue of Mykola Lysenko (1842-1912), a Ukrainian pianist and composer, near the Opera House in downtown Kyiv.

 The controversial Lenin Statue in downtown Kyiv.  His nose was broken off this summer, and a tent from the Communist Party have been keeping guard on the square ever since.

Yaroslav the Wise (988-1054, Grand Prince of Rus and known as the founder of Kyiv, near the Golden Gate.  I posted about this statue earlier this year, it's the one some call "the dude with the cake."  But the cake is really the St. Sofia, in case you're wondering.

Statue of Soviet soldiers near the World War II museum and Lavra.

Rodina Mat (Mother Motherland) near the World War II Museum.  The Lonely Planet mocks her (quote: "what the hell, indeed"), but I think she bears a striking resemblance to Lady Liberty:

(hard to track down the photo credits to this, so I'll just say I stole it from someone who did the same)

My grandparents near the World War II Museum.  How can you not take photos next to this tunnel of gigantic soldiers?

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